Islamic Wallpapers, Islamic Calligraphy, Islamic Pictures, Miracles of Allah, Wallpaper of Makkah, Madina, Holy Places, Mosques, Bismillah, Allah, Ramadan Wallpapers, 99 Names of Allah and His Beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (S.A.A.W)
Monday, November 14, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Meeting with imam(a.s)
Haaj Sayyed Abthai narrates an incident of a person who was cured of heart disease in Masjude Sahebuz Zaman, The incident is recorded in his book ‘Mulaqaate Imame Zamana (a.s.)’ (Meetings with Imame Zamana (a.s.)).
The incident as narrated by this person (name withheld as per the request of the narrator) is as follows.
“I stayed quite far from Masjide Sahebuz Zaman (a.s.) and had not visited this mosque for at least 3 years. I had been a heart patient and despite my best efforts for treatment, my condition remained the same and did not improve.
One day, I had come to this area for some work. As I was leaving, I heard the call for prayers and it occurred to me that I should pray my namaz at the prescribed time and then leave from here. Consequently, I came to the mosque to offer my prayers.
As I completed my prayers, I became aware of the presence of a person to my right. He conveyed his salaams to me and I replied. He asked me if there was any betterment of the condition of my heart, at which, it came to my mind that maybe this person is from my area and is therefore aware of my situation – maybe he knows me, but I had not seen him earlier and did not know him.
I replied in the negative and told him that my condition is the same and there is no respite from the pain. He then put his hand on my stomach and pressed it firmly. His touch was as if someone had put soothing water over a raging fire and was very reliving. At that very instant I was cured of the pain in my heart.
I asked the reason for his being present in this mosque. His reply was surprising – “This is not Masjide Sahebuz Zaman(a.s.)." I asked him, “ Why not?” He replied, “This palce is just related to me, that’s all.”
At that time, the importance of the words did not sink into my mind and I occasionally turned to look at him. But for a moment, I reflected on the pain in my heart and his words – “This place is just related to me, that’s all” – and the thought came to my mind that may be this person is my Master – Hazrat Baqiyatullah (a.s.). When I turned to look at him this time, I realized that he was not there any more.’
After this incident the author writes that this person became his close friend and as long as he knew him, he did not suffer from any problems of the heart.
This incident teaches us that Imame Zamana (a.s.) is aware of our difficulties and he helps us – whatever be the intensity of our problems. Imame Zamana (a.s.) cures his lovers from fatal diseases.
Hospitality Of Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s)
Farazdaq, the poet says that he visited Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s) one day, to find some guests there. The Imam ordered that food be laid for them. Some bowls containing meat and broth were placed before the guests and a bowl of roasted grains was also placed there. This was his regular diet. After the tragedy of Kerbala he never ate anything delicious. The Imam was content only with roasted grains. Farazdaq says, “When the Imam started eating, I began to weep and said: O son of Allah's Messenger. Why don't you take some of the meat and broth?” The Imam began to weep and did not reply. When the guests had eaten to satiation he said to them by way excuse, “I could not serve you the type of food I desired to. I hope you would forgive me. The tragedy of Kerbala has made us living corpses.”
City of Imam Raza-Nishapour
Building of Qadamgah
Entrance to the water spring in Qadamgah
Miraculous spring resulting from the footstep of Imam Reza(a.s)
Imam Raza reportedly said a famous Ahadith here which is known as Silsilat al-Dhahab
"The Kalima of 'La ilaha illallah' is My fort, and whosoever says it will enter My fort, whosoever enters My fort is safe from My punishment."
This hadith is known as the Golden chain hadith. This is because each member of the chain was a Masoom (infallible). The people of Nishapur began reciting the Kalima and thought that His Holiness talk was over, but to their amazement the Holy Imam Raza (as) added the following words to what he had previously stated:
"But all this depends on some conditions, and I am considered to be one of those conditions".
This historical and the most famous Hadith Qudsi is called "Silsilat al-Dhahab". Imam Raza (as) confirms that worshipping God will be counted as a perfect procedure when it is based on the obedience of the immaculate Holy Imams (as). This historical statement of Imam Raza (as) implied the presentation and assertion of the Imamat (socio-religious leadership) of His Holiness.
La Grande Mosquée de Paris
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011
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